Business Agility+AI

The Business Agility + Artificial Intelligence Blog

Business Agility

Core Concepts of Agile Project Management – Integrating Agile Methodologies

Introduction to Project Management Fundamentals Project Management is the art of applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to guide a Project from its inception to closure. It encompasses the Management of resources, time, and Scope to achieve specified objectives within a Project’s lifecycle, which includes initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, control, and closure phases. Project Lifecycle […]

Business Agility Future with AI Factory

ABSTRACT: AI Directed-Development on AI Factory models their transformative concurrent effect with Business Agility. Impact of AI applications like robo-lawyers and robo-advisors across marketing, finance, legal, HR, operations, sales, UX, and management. It highlights the integration of AI for dynamic marketing analytics, cost-effective financial advice, automated legal assistance, streamlined recruitment processes, predictive operational efficiencies, personalized […]

AI Factory Business Agility

ABSTRACT: AI Directed-Development on AI Factory Models representing a transformative approach in integrating AI with business operations, emphasizing agility and innovation. By forming multidisciplinary teams and adopting agile methodologies, it aims to enhance operational efficiency, drive innovation, and improve business agility. This model fosters a culture of continuous learning and collaboration, enabling businesses to adapt […]

Agile User Experience (UX) Practices

The integration of ExtrAgility into UX and Agile frameworks signifies a paradigm shift toward more responsible and conscious design. It challenges UX professionals to leverage their skills in service of not just business objectives and user satisfaction, but also the greater good, aligning product development with the urgent need for sustainable and ethical innovation. This […]

Agility in Operations OPS

Every Section of Your Operations Can be Agile Streamlining Value and Delivery Enhancing Quality and Continuous Improvement Promoting Collaboration and Flexibility Centricity on Customers and Stakeholders Applying Themes Across Operations By applying these Agile operations practices, each operational function can become more responsive, efficient, and aligned with both internal and external customer needs, ultimately leading […]

Agile Operations (OPS) Practices

Agility and responsiveness of supply chain and operations management have become paramount for organizations seeking to maintain a competitive edge. This necessity has ushered in a transformative approach to managing supply chains and operations, emphasizing the importance of streamlining value delivery, enhancing quality, fostering collaboration, and centering on customer satisfaction. The following thematic practices offer […]

Agile Finance Implementation Blockchain

Integrating Blockchain into Agile Finance Contracts Based on Observed Applications of Blockchain by the Big Four Accounting Firms (Zhang et al., 2020) we summarize the Practices and elaborate on how Agile Finance Resources could implement New Technology like Blockchain in their Operations. Big Four accounting firms use blockchain in different ways Deloitte: They have labs […]

Agile Finance Practices by Theme

Complementing the concept of Extragility (Hormaza Dow, 2022), below we outline a description of Agile Finance Practices organized around key themes such as Planning and Adaptability, Continuous Improvement, Collaboration and Communication, Automation and Efficiency, Agile Documentation and Estimation, Prioritization and Decision-Making, Continuous Delivery and Releases, Team Organization and Dynamics, Stakeholder Engagement, Code and Configuration Management, […]

Business Agility Japan

Agile Marketing in Japan Literature Review and Body of Knowledge on Agile Marketing from Japan is under Development – Topics: Agile marketing, digital transformation アジャイル マーケティング. Agile Marketing World: Japanese Universities Literature Review of Marketing Agility in Japanese Universities and Researchers in Japan. Agile Marketing Related Research in Japan Japan Universities 2021 Hitotsubashi University, Japan […]

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